Thursday, September 15, 2011

Culture of Consciousness

We are delighted to announce that we are joining hands to launch a new association “Culture of Consciousness” - a global clinic for self love -

To know more please visit our website:
Or write us an email:

Love & Light

Sonia & Sangeeta

Friday, September 9, 2011

My experience with Yoga at LMYC

Testimonial from 13th August 2011

"Every appliance comes with a manual. In my opinion Yoga is manual to life.

With regular practice of yoga I have learnt to live my life in the right way, I eat right, I don’t fall sick at all. I am always full of energy and never get tired.
Varsha Punjabi

Before joining yoga my body was quite rigid but with a regular practice of yoga my body has become more flexible.

I have toned my muscles; The co-ordination of limbs has improved; Eyesight is better than before; Sleep quality is much better; Excretory functions have improved; With breathing the lung capacity has increased; I feel calmer in stressful situations; I have increased awareness of thoughts, body and the world around me; My self-confidence and self esteem has boosted; It has brought about emotional balance; I feel harmony between body and mind.

And the most important observation & experience is that Shavasana is one of the relaxation techniques I can swear by: it can cure any kind of ailment, be it itchy eyes, runny nose, burping, sneezing, itching, pain in any part of the body, it also relieves body tension & cramps and much more.

Every lecture at LMYC was so well planned to teach all aspects of life - right from physical hygiene, eating habits, managing health issues, dealing with interpersonal relationships, to emotional management, spiritual growth and a lot more. I feel Yoga has totally enriched my life. It is the best thing that has happened in my life.

Having experienced the benefits of yoga I decided to share it with others so I began teaching the Senior Citizens and it just gave me a lot of joy. The more I taught the more I learnt from others experiences and my own. I wish every school could include Yoga into their curriculum so that every child learns how to live their life in a right way and stay healthy physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

The name of the yoga centre is Life Management Yoga Centre and I think it is very appropriate to the teachings of the centre. I thank Sangeeta Ahuja, my first yoga master, from the bottom of my heart and all visiting yoga masters who visit the centre from time to time."